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Bird of A Broken Wing

You think you're the only one then 
You realize it's almost everyone, same
Pain, same people riding in an empty train
Same efforts going in vain
Nothing by time gets easier, not even
Sadness, no, time doesn't make it merrier
If anything life just gets scarier and you
have to be your own warrior,
grow thicker skin and learn
the beauty of all of the sins
You think you're dense, you think you're lacking
just because they had the audacity to make You feel
less than your capacity, they don't Know your limits
and try to draw a line that for you could limit
But self worth is so high, 
even if you had to lose a wing to fly,
don't let no one tell what's
For your heart and mind sounds like right
You've been with this soul the most,
it's Impossible that someone about it,
more than you, could know
Bird of a broken wing leave this earth and
Roam the sky while you sing, put on your rings
Wear your dress and fly the clouds so everyone
of your aura is so damn impressed

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