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Yeah, I admit,
not everything that I’ve said was something that I meant,
Yeah, I regret
not living to my fullest when others of my age did,
Yeah, I commit
sins sometimes while being aware and others because I’m dense,
Yeah, I forgive
those who did me wrong even if they’re not dead,
Yeah, I pretend
when it gets hard and there is no way for this to end,
Yeah, I break
myself when I get my hopes up and the road doesn’t lead to where I meant
Yeah, I ask myself,
what on Earth are we here for?
Yeah, I realize
my feelings are often tangled, and sometimes they’re too much I find myself strangled,
Yeah, I agree
when it comes to overthinking I should give myself a degree,
Yeah, I know
I should think of myself as worthy but how come I often don’t?
Yeah, I dream
day and night when I don’t have enough energy to fight,
Yeah, I’m scared
of heights, of darkness and of too much light,
Yeah, I’m probably
not gonna be the same, maybe this change will be followed by another change, I’m just praying it’s gonna be one within my range

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