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Take My Heart While You’re Gone

What do I do with the feelings? The 
Leftovers of what's left and the all
That I was yet to give? Did my heart's
gamble give your ego a momentum thrill?
When all that I was is a fool girl
who Could not tell she's stepping
a foot in hell with no shell?
How am I supposed to cope with unbearable
pain, learn about hope all Over again
when I was only starting to learn, how
to stand on my own witout any turns?
to leave past behind and get you
finally out of my mind....
What kills the memories? Or at least hides
them under the dust? What stops the heart
from choosing to rust while beating for half
a life, half a soul, and half a mind?
Shared so much but a life, said too much
but left without a decent goodbye, healed
so many scars, promised me the stars only
to put my fragile heart behind bars,
it used to be for you, little did I
know, it's gonna be about you....
Take my heart while you're gone, 
I no longer need it, I'm done
you made me believe in none,
It's your loss, I won, prayed
hard to God to wash all the pain
I bottled away and before I knew
it you were gone, guess I didn't
know how badly you wanted to run

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