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Goodbye in Heaven

Music credit: call of silence eye water cover on YouTube
This is not goodbye
This is see you in heaven
We didn't make it till eleven
And rose up high, together
In the sky to find our peaceful
Heaven away from Earth that
Forgives what shouldn't be
Our stolen youth, and
Blood stained childhood
Our dreams crushed like
Woods and laughters forced
On mute by heartless cruels
Our pain sold cheaper than
Jewels by ghoul-resembling
Fools who talk about our pain
For show and ground breaking
What crime did my hand hold?
Protecting another soul that
To my heart so close I hold?
What crime did his tiny body
Cause? To be smashed by a
Building so hard till his eyes
My hand was so small
Couldn't stop the fall or
Take up the walls, but at
Least I tried, to protect my
My loved one at last before
The bloody blast,
Enjoy a world full of children
For no reason gone, enjoy a
World of children who'll no
Longer see the sun, enjoy a
World where guns are held
For fun and justice is always
On the run, enjoy a world where
Kids don't get to draw like a child
Should to grow,
Enjoy a world of monsters filled
They're like humans built but like
Devils kill thousands of kids with
No sense of guilt and hearts with
Revenge dipped, this is goodbye
In heaven cause Earth is no longer
Our safe haven.

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