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Bigger Than The Universe

We all have our ups and downs, heartaches, and moments of joy. And while we wish to have someone there for us to take our hand and dance, or pull us over to be embraced with a warm, really warm hug; that’s not always the case.

I’m not saying this to make you feel hopeless, not at all; the reason I’m writing about this is because sometimes those things and people that we wish for the most don’t exist, yet we still manage somehow. Interestingly, yesterday, which marks the second of April; I came to an astonishing realization. While writing a comment to a girl who said she needed others to assure her she was not a failure.

I thought for a while “What keeps me going when there is no one on my side, even family members or loved ones?” Then I figured out it must be someone/something greater right? If not then I wouldn’t be able to put up with everything that’s been happening to me at this point in my life.

It’s someone who is always there not only for me but for each and every single one on the planet. Someone who welcomes us at our lowest and highest moments even when we don’t do the same for them. I hope you guessed it by now, but still, I’ll tell you my answer; it’s God. The greatest of all, the one who listens when others’ ears’ are busy and the one who assures our heart with ease when no one is there with us.

Whether you agree with me or not religiously, we all believe in something stronger than us humans especially under tough circumstances. Some of us could deny and when those moments come they would unconsciously ask God for help. Frankly speaking, believing; and when I say the word “Belief” I mean one that is certain with no “if” in it, is indeed a great strength that gives us power when we’re back to our pitiful form.

As humans, our natural response is to feel more content with people’s compliments and we often get sad when someone is assigned with our credit. But humans are weak creatures, and the more I know about animals the more I realize how much greater than us they are. I’m the same so I won’t try to act “better than ya’ll!” when I’m not.

I’m slowly teaching myself that if there is any chance that me explaining myself would change the situation to a better one then I’ll go ahead and do it. However, if doing so will get things worse, then I might as well skip this. Because I and God, who is my witness, know the full truth.

When you allow humans to get used to your kindness, effort, and hard work they become immune to noticing any of what you do even if you sigh loudly; enough to get their glasses foggy if they had one. And when you keep reminding them of what you do you’re some brat who thinks they’re doing something special that needs to be rewarded. See there is never a chance that you’ll satisfy anyone, and by anyone I mean everyone not excluding anyone for any reason.

You’re not special to anyone but for you, so if you ever find someone on earth who can make you feel this way you’re a lucky person! And I wholeheartedly wish that you will have that person for the rest of your time in this life. But Until that day is there for me, to believe in both; I refuse to think there is anyone but the one who is bigger than the universe, God.

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