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The 80/20 Rule: Eat Your Dessert First!

” Business strategies never fail to impress, with ideas that keep getting out of the box more and more. But, how many of these ideas are worth incorporating into your business strategy, especially if you consider the financial implications you have to face the moment any of those “out of the box” ideas fail to work out?

Today’s rule has seen the sun decades ago, but for some reason seems to be keeping up with all the trendiest rules. Business enthusiasts love it, and even normal human beings just like you and us are taking an interest in making it part of the way they manage their daily lives.

Our pick for today is called the 80/20 Rule, have you heard about it? If you did, good for you, and if not, good for us as we’re about to let you dive right into it. ”

InvoiceQ – Jordan Website

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